A downloadable game for Windows

A Game to Find Peace for The Forgotten Memories



A phenomenon where people taken to an unconscious world. A world which will be their last step to cope with life. When someone appeared in this world they will be guided by a mysterious voice to collect all their memories. In this phenomenon, player will debating with their trauma entity to completing each chapter.


Suatu fenomena dimana seseorang berpindah ke dunia alam bawah sadar. Dunia yang menjadi langkah terakhir seseorang untuk dapat berdamai dengan diri sendiri. Seseorang yang memasuki dunia tersebut akan dipandu oleh suara misterius dalam mengumpulkan ingatan. Di dalam fenomena tersebut, pemain akan berdebat dengan entitas trauma dirinya untuk menyelesaikan tiap chapter.


Riley wake up in a strange train with some memory loss when she barely want to end her life. A mysterious guide told her that she has a tiny desire inside. As a bargain, it creates a phenomenon where it blocks her other desire and help her finding the answer to live.

Mechanics & Dynamics

  • Exploration : Explore the 2.5D surreal world with side-scrolling movement and interaction within the world. This will help you to dive into the story progression with a beautiful scenery along the environment.

  • Boss Debate : Debating with Riley's alter ego to embrace her trauma. You can choose Action to move towards the alter ego, Argument for giving arguments, or Silence to do nothing. In order to end the boss debate, you need to get close as possible with the alter ego. But beware with the Emotion Gauge, if it raise to it's maximum you will lose the boss debate. You can use Argument wisely to control the gauge.


Game Designer : Rangga, Fajar

Programmer : Adistian, Dika

3D Artist : Ariel

2D Artist : Fajar

UI/UX Designer : Rangga, Fajar

Technical Artist : Fajar

Sound Designer : Rangga

Published 5 hours ago
StatusIn development
TagsIndie, pum, ralingsa


Peace Upon Me Early Build.zip 52 MB

Install instructions

The following file is a zip file, you need to extracted it to find the executable file.